Friday, September 30, 2011

Original Mind

Mind has no color,
Is neither long nor short,
Doesn't appear or disappear;
It is free from both purity and impurity;
It was never born and can never die;
... It is utterly serene.
This is the form of our
Original mind,
Which is also our original body.

- Hui-hai (8th cent)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The ABC’s of well being

Yesterday, while my 3 year old niece sang the ABC's to my family ending it with "now I know my ABthee's, next time sing me" I thought to myself, what a wonderful little idea...

A – act only with the intention of resulting happiness
B – believe in your intuition
C – cancel all doubts
D – detect your good thoughts & watch them
E – eliminate all negative behavior
F – focus on the moment
G – give to the less fortunate
H – hear your happiness when it speaks
I – introduce new colours to your life
J – joke when the time is right
K – kiss your significant other passionately
L – love yourself unconditionally
M – measure your success by feeling, not time
N – nurture your hair, body, skin and nails
O – offer a helping hand
P – play with your kids
Q – quit the self pity
R – rest when you are tired
S – share your ambitions
T – treat others how you would want to be treated
U – use your mind to focus on the moment
V – visualize where you want to be 5 years from now, start working
W – walk, run, exercise and eat well
X – xpect me not to find a word for x ;)
Y – your own clock is more important than the worlds
Z – zen. find it.

- MF

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Yesterday, I filled my cup with hope
Today, I fill my cup with gratefulness
Tomorrow, I will fill my cup with positivity

And the pattern will continue.

Looking at life through a window with a silver lining, instead of questioning the shoulda, woulda, coulda's. We are not to aim for perfection but we must accept the daily gifts we are given. Saturdays will feel better than Mondays, but no day is more precious than today.

- MF

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


My Mom surprised me with a beautiful card yesterday, went a little something like...

In the dark of the cocoon, the butterfly finds it's wings. Even now, hope is fluttering softly in some quiet corner of your life. Not long from now, it will open wide into sunlight... taking wing, touching the sky. You are becoming.

And the best part about it - she gave it to me just "for being me"

Sunday, September 11, 2011

When the sun shines brighter, the birds sing louder, the leaves fall slower and the moon glows deeper - that to me, is a good day.

- MF

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Ok – so I might be jumping the gun a little.  But when I woke up this morning and felt the cool air, I thought to myself (my exaggerated, moody, morning self) “Holy – Winter is HERE!”

Living in Toronto has it’s summer time perks: visiting the beautiful city, enjoying the hot sun, and sitting outside on patios.  On the other hand, living in Toronto also means: hibernating from November – March, feelings of depression, eating too many carbs, pale skin and unmanageable, static hair.  And if you’re anything like me, you’ll be experiencing a winter without anyone to cuddle with - Gosh, can you feel sorry for me, please? ;)

So here we have it, besides fall fashion and a couple pretty leaves to crunch on, I basically have a dreadful, cold, winter to look forward to.  So I’ve come up with a list of ideas of how I’m going to keep myself happy and glowing.  Perhaps some of these tips will work for you…

1)      Lay off the alcohol, munch on some salad:  Although it may be tempting to pour yourself a glass of wine, wrap yourself in a blanket and watch a romantic comedy – maybe it’s time to try something different.  Make yourself a healthy salad (whether vegetables, or fruit, or both) and be sure to get the nutrients you need for the winter.  You’ll notice you feel a lot weaker and tired during the cold seasons, typically we eat too many carbs and too little protein.  Want to try a delicious steak salad?  Visit Moxies Restaurant!

2)      Start your 2012 resolution list early:  January 24th, 2011 was known as the most depressing day of the year.  Why?  Because it’s the Monday that everyone feels like they did not accomplish their new years resolutions.  Well duh!  How can you accomplish anything in only 24 days?  Why are we all scrambling around during the last week of December trying to finish everything from the year behind, and also trying to plan everything for the year ahead?  Let’s give ourselves a little more time, shall we?  Start thinking today of what you’d like to achieve for 2012.  Here, I’ll start:  I want to meditate more often.  At least three times a week, spend 30 minutes just living and breathing in the moment.  It’s a lot easier said than done – especially with a busy schedule.

3)      Who says there’s no sunlight in the winter?  One of the biggest problems I have with fall and winter is the lack of sunshine and vitamin D my body is getting.  It’s important to begin taking at least 500 IU’s of vitamin D beginning September 1st.  Also, look into investing in a sun lamp.  On a budget?  Keep your curtains open during the day for some natural sunlight.  You’re not a vampire.

4)      Buy yourself some Christmas presents:  Ok, ok, don’t get too excited here.  I’m not talking about buying yourself gifts, wrapping them up under the Christmas tree, labeling them “From Santa” and pretending to get all surprised on the 25th.  I just mean, if you’re treating your friends and family to all these special gifts, why not put aside a little dough for yourself?  Buy yourself something you’ve always wanted but never got around to getting.  Looking for inspiration? Visit

5)      Write out your list of books and movies:  I’m an addicted movie renter,  you name the movie, I’ve seen it.  When it’s cold outside and no one wants to drive around town, call over some friends, make some popcorn (don’t burn it), and rent a couple chick flicks.  Some suggestions for this season are: Breakfast at Tiffany's, Friends With Benefits, The Lincoln Lawyer, Lost In Translation. Alternatively, nothing feels more refreshing than cracking open the first page of a new novel.  Some novels I suggest for this season are: One Day, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, The Help, Heart of the Matter.  And while you’re at Indigo/Chapters, purchase a new scented candle to light up while reading.

6)      Play in the leaves, play in the snow:  When I was about 10 years old, I ran outside and jumped in all the leaves my Dad had ever-so-patiently raked.  Bad idea - I had hives covering my body minutes later.  However, that doesn’t stop me from taking beautiful Autumn walks and enjoying the crunchiness of the fall leaves (thumbs up if you love that sound too!).  In the winter, go tobogganing, try snowboarding, make snow angels.  Get that nose running!  Don’t forget to exercise on the regular, no matter how unmotivated you feel.

7)      Take a picture:  One thing I look forward to this fall is taking nature walks and capturing photographs of all the gorgeous changing leaves.  Photography is such a well-known form of art, and it’s so easy too.  Even using your regular “let’s go clubbing and take pictures of each other” camera will work well.  Just play around with your settings and see what you can create.  Suggestion: Sepia tone, Landscape view.

8)      Learn to bake and cook: This is one I struggle with.  No matter what I seem to try and make in the kitchen, I end up burning, undercooking, overcooking, reeking up the place, or simply going off the wrong cooking instructions.  Hence the reason my Mom asks me to “cut up the mushrooms” instead of “marinating the steak” – (what? Salt and sugar look the same!)  But, I hear cooking and baking is a major stress reliever and if you’re happy with your meal, sharing it with the friends and family will make you feel accomplished and proud.  I’ll stick to setting up the dinner table and washing the dishes.  Looking for a great cook book?  Check out Recipes From Mark McEwan

9)      Educate yourself & take a course: There are a couple courses I’m looking into taking this Fall/Winter.  One of them is event planning management, and the other is jewelry making.  One will exercise my work side, and the other will satisfy my creative side.  Most of you might be students, but even so, think about what you’d like to do in your spare time.  Whether it would be joining a new yoga class at your gym, or taking up pottery, it never hurts to take on a new project.  You can count this on your new year’s resolution list, too!  Yes – we love killing two birds with one stone!

10)     Don’t forget to take vacation time: This year we were lucky enough to have a warm new years day, but 2012 – I doubt the luck will follow through.  Hopefully I will be in Miami, or Vegas, or just somewhere in the sun.  Either way, treat yourself to a getaway at least for a few days during the cold seasons.  It might cost a few bucks, but hey, it’s totally worth it when you come back looking all tanned and sexy!  Some suggested websites to book your trip:,,  Looking to take a smaller, 1-2 day trip?  Book yourself a spa day at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, or Cosmopolitan Hotel – all located downtown, Toronto.

So stop building your igloo and crying about putting your summer shorts away. Let's make the most of the next few months and see how excited Summer is to return!

With love,
- MF

How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days. ~ John Burroughs

Sunday, September 4, 2011

I guess I could be pretty pissed off about what happened to me. But it's hard to stay mad when there's so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once...and it's too much. My heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst. And then I remember... to relax, and not try to hold on to it. And then it flows through me like rain. And I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life. You have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sure. Don't worry... you will someday.

~ Lester Burnham from American Beauty

Friday, September 2, 2011

When I'm Ready

And there I stood; with my vulnerability and guilt. I was moments away from asking for your forgiveness and in return was willing to give you my loyalty, my trust, my happiness and heart. I ignored the doubts that sent me packing and pushed them aside accusing them of being jealous and wrong. I had missed you – deeply. Missed your eyes and your neck and your bed. I selfishly wanted to use you again to fix me.

And then I stopped.

I turned around, and looked far into the field ahead. I could already see myself walking away in the distance, alone, with no one by my side. Independent and free. Lonely and clueless. Full of questions and empty of answers.

But it hit me. I no longer needed your reassurance to remind me what I was capable of. I no longer needed your touch to remind me I was worthy. I no longer needed your love to substitute the love I lacked for myself.

My doubts spoke louder, and started sounding like my own conscience, sounding more like angels, telling me to move on. And a little thought inside my head whispered “I will be back when I’m ready.”

- MF