Tuesday, October 22, 2013

you, me, we.

You, me, we, let’s run away, mark our territory in a place that only exists where the birds sing in colour and our voices can disappear. All that speaks is our hearts, our deepest truest darkest truth will hold each other until the moon visits to give our Sun it’s break.

A break. You, me, we.

Let’s take this break together away from the realities of corruption and business. Away from the traffic and noise of our mind, go somewhere to search, to find, the simplicity behind our souls and eyes. Perhaps there…our disguise, that thing we call a disturbance will find it’s time to relax. Let our ego’s go, let them flow with the wind that carries all the dust of us away.

You, me, we, where can we escape to? Where can we discover, deflate, detach from this? All this? The purest of me, and you, it’s out there, looking for a moment to sweep us off our trampled grounds and lift us higher than this chaos.

Let’s go.

- mf