Each of your Chakras has its own unique “personality”, each controlling a specific aspect of your life. So if you’re experiencing any form of physical or mental shortcomings, limitations or challenges in your life, there’s a high chance one of your Chakras is weak or closed.
1. The Root Chakra influences your career and money mindset.
Location: Base of the spine
Primarily influences your career, money mindset and sense of belonging.
Energies: Earth, grounding, focusing, centering
2. The Sacral Chakra influences your sexuality.
Location: Lower abdomen
The energy center of sexuality and pleasure.
Energies: Fire, energizing, charging
3. The Personal Power Chakra influences your self-esteem.
Location:Above the navel
Influences your personal power/ability to channel this power into the world.
Energies:Fire, energizing, charging, lends energy
4. The Heart Chakra influences your relationships.
Location:Center of the chest
The Chakra for love, relationships and self-acceptance.
Energies:Water, calming, soothes, relaxes
5. The Throat Chakra influences your self-expression.
Location: Throat
The Chakra of your “true voice”.
Energies: Water, calming, soothes, relaxes
6. The Intuitive Chakra influences your intuition.
Location: Center of the forehead
This Chakra acts as your inner compass.
Energies: Air, meditative, intuition, promotes thought
7. The Crown Chakra influences your connection to source.
Location: Top of the head
The Chakra of divine consciousness.
Energies: Air, meditative, intuition, promotes thought