What do you do when you're all tied up in your problems, and you come to a point where you think "how did I get here?" or "why haven't I been happy in the past few months?" These are my 5 ideas of living a balanced soulful life. So simple, yet we all seem to forget about the easy solutions when we're too busy focusing on the little issues in life.
• Stay optimistic - No matter what the case, event, or circumstance is, it’s important to keep a smile on your face. If you’re facing an obstacle that looks “impossible” to overcome, chances are, you won’t overcome it – ever. If you look at something knowing that you have the capability to at least make yourself feel good about it (because of your intelligence, knowledge, and experience), then you’ll at least end with a result you’ll be happy and pleased about. It’s important to never put yourself down. You don’t like putting people down around you, so why should you do that to yourself?
• Have a few good friends (or drinks) - You don’t need to be friends with everyone around you, and not everyone has to like you, either. But if you have a solid group of friends to surround yourself with, you’ll know who you can turn to for what. I’m fortunate enough to have a few close girlfriends, who I love and I know love me back. There’s trust, sincerity, and humour in all of our friendships. And I wouldn’t trade that for the “approval” from the rest of the world. Just joking about the drinks part, unless you’re having caesars, of course.
• Stay close to your family - You may have a sister that moved to Europe, or divorced parents who barely speak, but that doesn’t mean that you need to distance yourself. If you feel bad about drifting off from a family member, or guilty that you don’t spend enough time with them, then start reaching out today. Buy your Mom flowers when she’s least expecting it, or go golfing with your Dad instead of hitting up a beach with friends. I have 3 amazing sisters who are all unique in their own way, and even though we fight, I depend on them as my rocks; as I know they do too. Sometimes, the people that will understand you most are the ones who you share genes with.
• Spend time with yourself - You don’t need to occupy yourself with outings every time you’re out of the office or class. Spending time with yourself also means getting comfortable with your own personality. Read books, rent movies, paint your nails, go rollerblading; do things that you know will excersice your body and mind without depending on other people. I try to dedicate at least 2 days a week where I hang out in my place, redecorating, relaxing, and soul searching. I always wake up the next morning feeling refreshed and happy.
• Laugh - And I mean, out loud, so loud until your abs hurt and you feel a little tinkle in your pants. Hang around a crowd that you know has a good sense of humor. People you can make laugh and who will return the favour, genuinely. Don’t be afraid to make yourself laugh either, if you’re feeling down and low, remember a silly thing that happened to you a few days back and don’t hesitate to let out a little giggle. No one will judge you, I promise. Just don’t do it in the middle of a meeting.
- MF
The sun shines and warms and lights us and we have no curiosity to know why this is so; but we ask the reason of all evil, of pain, and hunger, and mosquitoes and silly people. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson